Semi-Assembled Engines and Complete Assembled Engines

The advantages of properly assembled semi-assembled engine are achieving maximum performance, reliability, and longer engine life

Semi-Assembled Engines
Semi-Assembled Engines

Cubi novi sad

Semi-Assembled Engines and Complete Assembled Engines

What immediately follows the general overhaul of the engine and its parts is their assembly to the level of a semi-assembled engine or a complete assembled engine. Since it is very important for this assembly process to be carried out according to the relevant technical provisions, Cubi system entrusts this task to a team of specialists who are fully trained and equipped to be able to perform this operation quickly and efficiently.
Semi-Assembled Engines
Semi-Assembled Engines


Semi-Assembled Engines

Because engine malfunctions can lead to crankshaft and bearings damages, with this kind of organization such risk is minimized. In addition, the advantages of a properly assembled starting unit are achieving maximum performance, reliability, and longer engine life.

Semi-Assembled Engines



Bulevar Vojvode Stepe 36/a, Novi Sad

Business hours:

Mon - Fri
08.00 - 19.00

08.00 - 13.00


+ (381) 21 443 679

+ (381) 21 443 326